Fall 2024

Daily Devotional: Monday, October 28 - Grateful For Redemption

“When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.” — Joshua 2:11

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The conduct policy of the NFL was put in place after a number of players, employees, coaches and owners got in trouble for breaking various laws and showing disrespect for women and children in their household. Perhaps the rules are written partly to protect the profits of the various teams and the entire organization, but laws are necessary for peace and happiness throughout society. After a star player serves his suspension, most fans are quick to forgive and cheer for the player loudly, as if the offense didn’t happen. However, we sometimes hold grudges against family members, friends, co-workers and fellow church members after they express remorse over their poor choice of words or bad actions.

Shouldn’t we forgive others just as quickly as we forgive star players who score touchdowns for our teams?

In the Bible, we read about a woman who was despised and rejected by many people in Jericho because of her lifestyle as a prostitute. Perhaps she carried diseases and she was different from most of the women in her community who were married and raising children, but Rahab heard about God’s miracles, and this amazing God gave her a wonderful opportunity to change and start a new life. When Joshua sent spies to her city, Rahab spoke to them about her faith in their God. “Before the spies lay down for the night, she went up on the roof and said to them, ‘I know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you'” (Joshua 2:8-9).

Rahab spoke about the parting of the Red Sea as a major miracle that caught her attention and convinced her and her extended family that they needed to turn away from their wicked ways. “We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed. When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below” (Joshua 2:10-11).

Then Rahab pleaded with the men to preserve her life as well as the life of her family. When the men pledged to show her kindness and allow her to live, it was a beautiful illustration of forgiveness and grace as an enemy was turned into a friend, and Rahab was redeemed from her sins. “‘Our lives for your lives!’ the men assured her. ‘If you don’t tell what we are doing, we will treat you kindly and faithfully when the Lord gives us the land'” (Joshua 2:14). Soon after her rescue, she married a Jewish man named Salmon and she became a great grandmother of King David and an ancestor of Christ.

If we stop and think, we’re all sinners in need of this same redemption, and Christ provided it for all who believe. “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father” (Galatians 1:3-4).

We can all be grateful for redemption!

— Bill Kent, Pastor of Memorial Baptist Church, Sylvania, Georgia

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