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Daily Devotional: Thursday, November 21 - The Reset Button

“Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan.” — Leviticus 25:10

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The start of each new sports season brings such optimism for teams and their fans. Their win-loss records from the previous season are thrown out and each team starts anew in the same place. Coaches and players are free to dream of holding the championship trophy at the end of the year. What came before doesn’t matter, only what’s ahead. The start of a new season can be thought of as one big reset button.

God instituted a type of reset button for the Israelites as well. It was part of the Old Testament law, called the year of jubilee. God instructed the Israelites to set aside every 50th year to proclaim liberty “to all its inhabitants.” It was a time for rejoicing in God and celebrating His goodness to His people.

All debts were forgiven, all servants were freed, all captives were released and all property was restored in the year of jubilee. No harvesting was to be done, because the year of jubilee was a time for the people to rest in God. Can you imagine? The year of jubilee reunited families, put food on hungry little kids’ plates, and gave people back their homes.

It was one big reset button, and it was commanded by God. No wonder the people rejoiced!

As much joy as the year of jubilee brought to the ancient Israelites, it was just a shadow of the joy that was to come. The year of jubilee pointed to Jesus Christ, the One who provides true hope and lasting joy. Christ sets people free who are slaves to their sin. He cancels every debt through the blood of Jesus on the cross, so that His people can be reconciled to Himself. We don’t have to work to be accepted; we are welcomed into His arms — our true home — for the rest of eternity.

Christ is the ultimate reset button. So if you feel today like you’re struggling to carry the weight of your past mistakes, or if you can’t shake free from indwelling sin, or if you feel damaged beyond repair, or if you feel lost in this broken world, trust in Jesus.

He’s coming again, and He will make all things new.

— Kevin Mercer

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