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Daily Devotional: Tuesday, December 17 - Hope In Leaders

“The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.” — Psalm 33:10-12

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Other than sports, perhaps no topic raises as much passion and opinions as politics. Notable sports figures are often asked to voice their political views.

Based upon the vitriolic language and divisive conduct surrounding this year’s elections, it is evident that many put their hope in a political leader, to the point of diminishing the Christian’s hope in Jesus Christ. We can easily forget that God blesses “the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12, above).

Paul used the phrase “the hope of Israel” as a description of Jesus Christ (Acts 28:20). He alone is the One who can change the hearts of individuals and the destiny of nations. While we do well to vote and participate in the political process, we must be careful to not replace our hope in Jesus Christ as our spiritual Savior with hope in a man or woman as a political deliverer. Regardless of the results of any election, we find confidence and hope in that it is God who removes and sets up rulers (Romans 13:1, Daniel 2:21).

We should take pride in the citizenship of our respective countries. Paul was proud of his dual Jewish and Roman citizenship. Yet, above that he valued his citizenship in Heaven and placed his hope in the One who rules there (Philippians 3:20-21).

— Jeff Totten, Detroit Tigers chaplain

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