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Daily Devotional: Friday, February 28 - Training For Life

“All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step.” — 1 Corinthians 9:25-26a (NLT)

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It’s fun to watch great players compete, but what most people don’t see is how hard they work to get where they are.

I have had the privilege of coaching many great players and I watched their development over the years. These athletes didn’t just wake up good; they worked hard and planned their routines in every part of their lives to get to this level. Sacrificing something — like time, comfort or effort — was necessary for greatness. Their training made them stronger, better and tough.

In the end, their success was determined by their training. Being excellent isn’t a coincidence; it’s the result of hard work and constant dedication. Growing as an athlete means being disciplined, persistent and ready to do hard things.

Just like great athletes train, growing as a Christian involves training too. We have to sacrifice and sometimes even give up some “good” things, in order to achieve the “best” things. Prayer, reading our Bibles and walking out our faith in obedience — these are the things that build endurance. Endurance makes us stronger in faith and in our character.

As we grow stronger in Christ, we are more equipped to handle the challenges of life, and those obstacles actually begin to stir up power within us. With great battles come great victories.

— Melissa Motes

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