Summer 2024

Devotional of the Week -- Miss Kay, An Example of Patience

“But the fruit of the Spirit is…peace, patience…” Galatians 5:22

Kay Robertson looked out in the parking lot of the place she was working and saw her husband, Phil, slumped over in his car, his head on the steering wheel.

Several months prior, Phil had said he didn’t want to be around his wife or his children. He told them this, then he left. Alcohol was his love, and his wife and children were a distant second.

Kay walked out to the car, thinking Phil was drunk again, and asked him what was wrong. He wasn’t drunk. He was crying. He wanted her back. He wanted his children back. She gave him an ultimatum. Get sober, leave your wild friends and come to church with her.

The church visit led to a radical conversion where Phil Robertson now proclaims his love for Christ and his family. The love for alcohol is his past, not his present or future.

Kay showed patience with Phil and she demonstrated a peace that is rare in this world. In similar circumstances, would we do the same? If not, then why? Let’s strive to honor God by loving Him, knowing Him and asking Him to live through us on a daily basis so that we can show peace and patience— critical fruits of the spirit.

By Brett Honeycutt

Brett Honeycutt is the managing editor of Sports Spectrum magazine. Log in here to access our most recent Training Table. Subscribe here to receive 12 issues a year and a daily sports-related devotional.