Fall 2024

Special 2014 World Cup issue now available

Spring 2014_coverThis issue is Sports Spectrum’s largest undertaking and likely our most important edition since the magazine began in 1985. Not because of the amount of stories we are giving you, our readers, about athletes playing the world’s most watched, and arguably the most popular sport, but because of the potential impact this issue can have on others around the world.

That potential impact is made possible because the 2014 World Cup issue is being produced in 14 languages and will be used by ministries all over the world during the World Cup — through the internet, via mobile devices and also on the ground as the World Cup is being played.

Please pray as we launch the Sports Spectrum Go Mag, with the mission of the mag based on Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Please also pray that God would use this issue, and others that follow, to reveal Himself to others and to lead people to accept Christ, so that lives would be changed for eternity.

Sports Spectrum Global Team