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From the Archives -- The Little Guard That Could

Reading the children’s classic The Little Engine That Could might be the easiest way to understand what Avery Johnson has gone through to make it in the NBA.

Like the little blue engine from Watty Piper’s story, Johnson is an inspiration. Like the little blue engine, Johnson is much smaller than his counterparts. Like the little blue engine, Johnson has had to persevere. And like the little blue engine, Johnson’s goal is to climb a mountain.

I think I can – I think I can – I think I can – I think I can.

When you look at Avery Johnson, you see a sophisticated, articulate individual. A man who has things in focus. A man with the highest degree of professionalism. What you don’t see is the journey that brought him to this point.

Click here to read the rest of our story on Avery Johnson from our November 1993 issue.