Summer 2024

Diary of a Minor League Baseball Player (Part 5)

Ethan Chapman’s dream to make it to the Big League level hasn’t happened yet. This past winter, Ethan signed to play 2017 in the Mexican League (AAA level) with the Vaqueros Union Laguna club.

Off the field, he’s a husband and a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. His faith is at the center of who he is as a person.

Today is the fifth of a season-long diary that Ethan is going to share with us as he continues his battle through minor league baseball and his quest to make it to the Big Leagues.

The last few games have been tough. Mentally, physically and emotionally draining. I have been struggling at the plate and after a few games, it wears on you. No matter how positive you try to be, doubt creeps in. 

Baseball, as many of you know, is a game of failure. A sport where you succeed only 3 out of 10 times (which means you are failing 7 times out of 10) and you’re considered an All Star. Not many professions have that type of success rate. 

Not playing well coupled with my Mom’s birthday and Mothers Day, left me really depending on God. As I stepped to the plate on Mothers Day, having had a tough day at the plate, going 0 for 2, I was in need of a hit.

Little did I know that something amazing would happen.

As the pitch came in, I swung and hit a ball hard towards right field. As I started running towards first base, the outfielder dove and missed the ball.

I immediately knew I had a chance to do something special.

My wife wrote this to fully explain the situation: 

“So many emotions during your game last night. You hit a ball into the right-center gap and I watched you fly around the bases with so much speed & passion that your helmet flew off of your head while rounding third. I was already out of my seat, cheering, when I saw the coach wave you on toward home plate. I couldn’t believe what was happening. The feeling of anticipation filled my thoughts, was this what I thought this was?? As you touched home plate and turned into the dugout, your teammates greeted you with excitement and the crowd was going wild! You looked at me when you finally had a chance and I couldn’t help but notice you were feeling the exact way I was. With watery eyes you said, “MOM” and turned your focus back on the game. That made me well up with tears, sweet tears of sadness but also of gratefulness. Mother’s Day is meant to celebrate moms and I couldn’t think of a better way to recognize yours Ethan. She gave you her wings last night. I know you could feel it. This was a game that had such a meaningful undertone that most would not have known. Sometimes a home run isn’t just home run. ⚾️?? In her honor & for His glory. I pray we live the rest of our lives that way.”

Ethan Chapman slides into home plate after hitting an inside-the-park home run.
(Photo Courtesy: Ethan Chapman)

Baseball is full of ups and downs, but the ups and downs of life puts baseball into perspective. I have come to understand that as much as I have tried finding my identity in baseball, I realize the only certainty in life is being a son of the King.

When all is stripped away, the game, my health, money, my family… ive learned that my true identity can never be shaken because it’s found in Christ.

E. Chapman 

Impact People

Ethan and his wife Kylie recently after a game.(Photo Courtesy: Ethan Chapman)


Through 38 games with Vaqueros Union Laguna in the Mexican League, Ethan is batting .265 with 3 HR, 11 RBI, 27 Runs Scored, and 10 Stolen Bases. 

To read Ethan’s previous journal entries from this season, click here.