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ONE COACH: Setting the Tone

Read: 1 Peter 2:4-12

Each game, our coaching staff reminds our young players to “set the tone” for the game. Whether on offense or defense, everyone’s play needs to reflect the way we’ve practiced each day. It’s each player’s job to give everything they have on the field to set the tone for the game. This will not only give us the best chance at winning, but will also represent the organization in the best way possible.

Of course, the other team is trying to do the same. But, when one team is good at this, it sends a message to other teams. As believers, we also need to be setting the tone as representatives of Christ to the watching world. Just like in baseball, there needs to be a lot of practice off the field, before the game, in order for us to do this. Our walk with God needs to be a daily, intimate one. He’s working in our lives so that together, as the body of Christ, we can “set the tone” for what true life is all about.

1 Peter 2:4-12 reminds us that we are precious in the sight of God, being built through the Holy Spirit to offer our lives as living sacrifices to Him. Since we are a people of God’s own possession, we are to live in such a way to proclaim the awesome things of God which allow us to live in this way.

How do you set the tone in your daily life? Let us know on the OneCoach Facebook page or on twitter @_OneCoach_.

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