Fall 2024

OneCoach: Going the Extra Mile

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” Colossians 3:23-24

All sports require training in order to achieve success. As athletes progress from high school to college to professional level, more is expected from them physically and mentally. As I look back, I find it interesting that at every level there were several guys that did just enough to get by. If we were running sprints, taking ground balls, shooting free-throws, or lifting weights, they would work hard as long as the coach was watching. But, as soon as his back was turned those players would ease off.

As followers of Jesus, we have a Coach who is always watching. My motivation, whether in practice or in the game, is to please Him in the areas that I have control over. I can control my Attitude, my Concentration and my Effort. In baseball, the ACE of the staff is usually the best pitcher. I have never been the best pitcher on any professional team, but that didn’t hinder me from being the ACE the Lord wanted me to be. I can be the one who encourages others, who focuses in practices and games, and the one who is the hardest worker. Go the extra mile and be the ACE of your team!

– Mikey Weston is a five year MLB veteran and serves as Executive Director of Unlimited Potential Inc.

What things do you do for your team to help them see the value in going the extra mile? Let us know on the OneCoach Facebook page or on twitter @_OneCoach_.

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