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ONE COACH: The Window and Our Game

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” – (James 1:6)

Sports are a blessing in so many ways. One of the most obvious lessons we learn through sports is that opportunities are not endless.

In every interaction we have, we must consider the window – the moment of time in which we have to interact with another person. In sports, we have small windows in which we can interact with our teammates and opponents to build relationships that might last a lifetime.

We also have small windows of opportunities to execute plays within our games that could make or break our coaching careers. These brief moments (ultimately acting as reflections of our lives) might be at-bats, brief plays on a court, or full seasons that seem like fleeting windows in which we much execute.

In each of these windows, God teaches us so much about obedience and impact. If we’re obedient in the windows we’re offered, we can make a pretty big impact. Our obedience to take action does not only result in success for ourselves, but can also result in the fruitfulness for those who are competing alongside us.

In the same way, when we act in obedience to the call God has for us in our Christian walk, God’s power will cause a massive impact. Not only will our own lives be changed forever, but those we interact with along the way will also be impacted.

Coach, don’t pass up the open window God might have for you today.

– Jack Easterby is the New England Patriots chaplain

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