Fall 2024

OneCoach: There’s No “I” In Team

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” I Corinthians 12:12 (ESV)

The best team I ever played on was not the Brigham Young teams that won four conference championships from 1988-1992. It was not the 1995 Indianapolis Colts team that lost the 1996 AFC Championship game to the Pittsburgh Steelers. It was the 1988 Converse Judson Rockets, my high school team.

Coach D.W. Rutledge, a Texas High School Hall of Fame inductee, was our head coach. He coached us to believe that we were one team made up of many players, and that every player was vital to the success of the team. He taught us that when one player does well, we all do well because we are one team.

The church is one team made up of many different players, and every player has a vital role to play in the success of the team. What is your role? Have you discovered your spiritual gifts? The team needs you. Talk with a mature Christ-follower to help you discover your role on the team.



– ONE COACH: Methodology

– Frank Reich’s journey from pastor to Indianapolis Colts head coach

– Eagles head coach Doug Pederson gives glory to God, says his faith keeps him grounded

– FLASHBACK: Tom Landry – Man of Honor