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Putting Aside Pride

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” 1 Peter 3:8

It’s not uncommon for conflicts to occur between players off the field. Sometimes it’s small, and is quickly resolved, but other times, if not dealt with, it can linger. These conflicts, although not on the field or court, end up affecting the entire team and how they play. Whether players admit it or not, their selfishness and stubbornness affect the team.

As Christians, dissention between us will hinder the gospel of Christ. And most of the time, the people involved do not realize it. When we selfishly put our pride before the gospel, we hinder God’s work. We should never allow ourselves to hold a grudge, or refuse to admit when we are wrong. Even if you believe you are right about the situation, it is important to do what you can to diffuse the situation. Don’t let a petty argument or conflict hinder God being able to use you.