Summer 2024

Finishing Strong

“As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry.” II Timothy 4:5

New York Yankees great and Hall of Famer Joe DiMaggio played his final game in the 1951 World Series, going out on top with his ninth World Series title. Hank Aaron, who some still consider the “Home Run King” even though his mark was broken by Barry Bonds, singled in his last at bat in 1976 and also drove in a run to also cap a Hall of Fame career. When they retired, DiMaggio had been named to 13 All-Star teams in 13 years, and Aaron was named an All-Star 21 times in 23 years.

Both had remarkable careers, from beginning to end. They didn’t coast into retirement on the bench, they were playing and playing well.

In the above verse, and also later in the chapter, Paul was encouraging Timothy to think with a sound mind, remain faithful in tough times, and fulfill his calling. Basically, finish strong.

Are you tired and ready to give up? Is life or circumstances in your life weighing on you so much that you are thinking about giving up or doing things you shouldn’t? Don’t. Satan wants you to feel this way to deceive you. Stay the course. Like Paul said, “be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry.” If God gave it to you, He gave it to you for a reason and He knew you could. Live life to the fullest by completing the work He gave and entrusted to you.

By Brett Honeycutt

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