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MLB Umpire Saves Woman From Jumping Off Of Bridge, Prays For Her

Everyday, there are opportunities to make a difference and answer the call that God has placed on each of our lives. Sometimes, those moments are small and we have to be ready to react when called upon. For MLB Umpire John Tumpane, he did exactly that on Wednesday afternoon as he was walking across the Roberto Clemente Bridge in Pittsburgh.

John saw a woman who was contemplating suicide and after climbing up a railing, was looking at the Allegheny River below. What he did next was an act of courage that is worth celebrating.

He saved a life.

To Read the Full Story, check out the article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.



John Tumpane is a hero for his courageous, selfless, act to take enough initiative and interest in helping to save another person’s life. Right before he left the woman in the care of the paramedics, John says he prayed with the woman and is glad that this ended up being a positive story and not a sad one.

So what does that look like for you? Have you ever been in a situation where, like John, you took action and helped someone who was in desperate need?

If you have a story like this, please share it with us by emailing us at Sports Spectrum or tweeting at us @Sports_Spectrum.

“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15:13