Summer 2024

THE INCREASE: Advocates in Adversity – Scott Linebrink

There seem to be natural disasters devastating countless regions around the world right now, with no end in the near future. Our teams at Water Mission have been hard at work responding to the immeasurable needs of those who have been impacted.

There were some tense moments for our team when the first earthquake hit Chiapas, Mexico, a few weeks ago. Hours passed before we were able to contact our personnel in the city to make sure everyone survived. After the shattering blow, the country soon experienced more earthquakes in Mexico City, where our team is now responding. With the need for basic resources continuing to grow, Water Mission is partnering with Operation Blessing to remove debris and to provide shelter and basic needs, such as clean water stations.

On top of the earthquakes in Mexico, many countries, islands and American states are experiencing hurricane after hurricane. The monstrous storms are creating catastrophic damage in these areas. While we have done some work in the States, our focus is outside our borders. In the U.S., we have resources to prepare for storms and recover from them. Though it may take weeks or months for cities to fully recover, our country is able to get things up and running relatively quickly. Recovery is more complicated in developing countries and more remote islands where supplies and resources need to be shipped in.

Our first response to the hurricanes was in Saint Martin. After Irma hit, we landed on this island that was suddenly 90 percent destroyed from the storm. A country that previously relied on two water systems, which served the 120,000 people on the island, suddenly had no clean water source whatsoever. Our teams are working on installing midscale, mobile water sources, which can each provide 1400-2000 gallons of water. Though we’re placing these in strategic locations and distributing water as quickly as we can, there’s much more work needed. We’re also beginning the process of providing these units to the people of Dominica, Barbuda and Puerto Rico, the last of which is estimated to be without power for four to six months.

We need advocates. There are opportunities for anyone to get involved. We currently have a sponsor who is willing to match a donation goal of $100,000 if we reach it. Needless to say, we are looking for as many advocates and partners as we can to make contributions to help us hit that goal. Our mission — to provide the basic need of clean water — is underway and we won’t let our need for funding stop our momentum. We don’t have the reserve funds to complete these projects, but we are trusting God to bring along the necessary means to do so.

I know many people are looking for ways to help the relief work. Please prayerfully consider donating to Water Mission. To find out more about the work we’re doing and how you can be a part of it, visit:

Scott Linebrink, former MLB pitcher

Scott Linebrink was a pitcher in the Majors from 2000-2011. He is a regular contributor of The Increase, providing monthly articles and opinions.

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