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OneCoach: Centering Yourself

God uniquely crafted each and every one of us before we were even in our mother’s womb. We often forget this and miss out on the continual crafting He wants to do in our daily lives.

God reminded the prophet Jeremiah of this when He told him to go to the potter’s house. While Jeremiah would be making something on his wheel, God would reveal His message, which Jeremiah was to share with the people of Judah.

In this great passage we can clearly see God’s sovereign ability to mold the house of Israel if they choose to let Him. He is the Potter who is in charge of molding and making us (the clay), and He can change the clay as He pleases. In order for the change to take place, we need to turn to Him.

Ultimately, the people of Judah didn’t listen to Jeremiah and continued to follow the plans of their own hearts instead of allowing God to mold them for His purpose. Eventually, God dealt with them.

The good news is we can allow God to work in us. Coaches and Spouses, are you willing to humbly put yourself in the center of the wheel so God can work on you? If you are, God will continue to mold you into something wonderful and new until day of Christ Jesus.

Read: Jeremiah 18:1-12

– Eddie Taubensee, Former MLB Catcher for 11 seasons, Director of Baseball Ministries for The Increase and hitting coach in the San Francisco Giants organization.

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