Spring 2025

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Friday, March 8, 2019

“Give thanks to our Father in Heaven. His love endures forever.”Psalm 136:26

Listen for His Voice

One year ago today, my father went home to Jesus. I could not think of a better way to honor him than by using today’s devotional.

My dad was a leader, the best I have ever seen. He loved the broken, the underdog and the oppressed. My last conversation I ever had with him was me telling him I wanted to do ministry for the rest of my life. I knew this is what God had called me to do. He said to me in his weakened but proud voice, “I want you to do it. Because you can lead and you can love.” 

I have held on to that reply every day for a year — to keep going no matter what, to love without conditions, to serve with a Godly heart because this is what my father has asked of me. And slowly, I understood that the response was actually an assignment from my Father above. God had used this moment to affirm what He wanted me to do with the life He has prepared for me. What my father had instilled in me, God was about to draw out. 

What has God put on your heart and asked of You? I don’t know what it is but I do know that He desires for you to follow His voice. Our Father receives no greater pleasure than for His children to be obedient in what He specifically has designed for us. No matter how big and daunting it may look or how minuscule and insignificant we think it could be, God has purposefully positioned you to bring glory to His Kingdom.

Today let’s put aside the lies, the fears, the insecurities and doubt. Listen for His voice. He’s saying, “I want you to do it.”

— Erik Olson, Pass the Rock Ministries founder

If you would like to submit a reader devotional, please email all submissions to jason@sportsspectrum.com.

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