Fall 2024

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Wednesday, December 18

 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens …” — Ecclesiastes 3:1

A Season for Every Activity 

As I ran through the streets on a beautiful fall morning, the sun shining through the trees and the dew-kissed fallen leaves scattered on the streets, I could feel God running with me.

I had just gotten back home from visiting my dad over Thanksgiving. He has pancreatic cancer. The week ahead was filled with Christmas activities. I could barely catch my breath moving from one activity to the next. So I went for a run, because running is not a way for me to escape my circumstances but to regroup mentally and physically, so that I can be present in all areas of my life.

Being a daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend can all be overwhelming. In that moment of running, I stopped to pick up a few leaves and continued running with them in hand. They were freshly fallen, strong with beautiful colors of red and yellow. I felt God speak to me in that moment. Although my dad has cancer, and although the business of life feels like a sprint from one activity to the next, God is never changing.

The seasons may come and go, but our God remains the same. This life is a marathon, not a sprint. God created the different seasons for us to enjoy His rich beauty. In each mile, we should praise God for different seasons of our lives.

In Ecclesiastes 3:4, it reads, “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” Cancer brings all these emotions as it is ever changing, even faster than the seasons. But I have learned to be thankful for the little things in life, like fallen leaves.

Julie Wicker

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