Daily Devotionals
Daily Devotional: Tuesday, March 25 - How Great
The storms of life make it difficult to see past the obstacles, but the reality is God is still there.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Monday, March 24 - Bread From Heaven
We need to be nourished by God's Word daily to face the spiritual battles coming our way.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Friday, March 21 - Avoiding Perfectionism
Focus your attention on discovering the character, heart and ways of the One you’re supposed to be imitating.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Thursday, March 20 - March Madness Reflections
Our identity in Christ remains unchanged, regardless of the ups and downs we experience.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Wednesday, March 19 - Humble Over Hype
The humble among us possess a quiet confidence in their gifts and see no need to brag or show off.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Tuesday, March 18 - For The Sake Of The Call
Are you sensing God’s call to be used by Him? For the sake of the call, are you willing to lay down your all?
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Monday, March 17 - Real Strength
No matter how well you do in sports or life, your real strength will be in how well you love others.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Friday, March 14 - Study The Course
The enemy's sole mission is to see us fail, lose our way, and give up on the race God has set out for us.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Thursday, March 13 - True Fulfillment
God's unconditional love is the only thing we can trust to sustain us through the highs and lows.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Wednesday, March 12 - If I Knew Then
How many times in life have we made the statement, “If I knew then what I know now!”?
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Tuesday, March 11 - Imprisoned
Fears, doubts and anxieties can act as shackles causing us to feel stuck and unable to move forward.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Monday, March 10 - Prioritizing Prayer
As we pray more, we grow a deeper understanding of God, and He gives us wisdom and helps us grow.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Friday, March 7 - There Is Still Hope
Things may be hard and the victory may look impossible. But just remember that God’s called you to this challenge.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Thursday, March 6 - Game Shape
The Bible warns against being people who simply hear the Word of God but then don't act on it. Be doers of the Word.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Wednesday, March 5 - Keep Your Head Up
With your head up and eyes locked on Jesus, you won’t get blindsided by the circumstances of life.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Tuesday, March 4 - His Strength
As Christians, we depend on God’s strength, which can overwhelm our greatest weakness.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Monday, March 3 - Joy For The Journey
When we live mindful of God's constant presence, we can be joyful in all situations.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Friday, February 28 - Training For Life
Being excellent isn't a coincidence; it's the result of hard work and constant dedication.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Thursday, February 27 - Second Chances
God has given us so many chances. So, shouldn’t we live every single day out of gratitude to Him?
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Wednesday, February 26 - Jesus' One-Timer
Jesus pulled off the greatest one-timer ever in His death and resurrection to save His people from their sins.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Tuesday, February 25 - Knowing Who To Trust
It's hard to trust in God if we do not know what He can do. One way to discover that is by reading the Bible.