Daily Devotionals
Daily Devotional: Friday, February 28 - Training For Life
Being excellent isn't a coincidence; it's the result of hard work and constant dedication.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Thursday, February 27 - Second Chances
God has given us so many chances. So, shouldn’t we live every single day out of gratitude to Him?
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Wednesday, February 26 - Jesus' One-Timer
Jesus pulled off the greatest one-timer ever in His death and resurrection to save His people from their sins.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Tuesday, February 25 - Knowing Who To Trust
It's hard to trust in God if we do not know what He can do. One way to discover that is by reading the Bible.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Monday, February 24 - Loyalty
God doesn't expect or need our perfection, just our loyal hearts that are willing to work for His Kingdom.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Friday, February 21 - Sail On
We’re all sailing our own journeys through various waters and elements; make sure you know Him who rules the waves.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Thursday, February 20 - Building Character
We aren't guaranteed success after adversity, but we are promised that our suffering will produce perseverance.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Wednesday, February 19 - Continue The Chase
When we inquire of the Lord, He encourages us during our battles and gives strength to complete the chase.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Tuesday, February 18 - Start With Small Steps
Take small steps and build up your strength in Christ so that you can move through life with greater confidence.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Monday, February 17 - Love's Example
God loves us with an unfailing, everlasting love. His love is the model for us to emulate and pursue.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Friday, February 14 - The Hype
Unlike the pregame frenzy leading up to a sporting event, our faith isn’t built on hype but on an unshakable foundation.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Thursday, February 13 - White As Snow
Jesus Christ loves His people so much that He took the penalty of our sin upon Himself and washed us as white as snow.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Wednesday, February 12 - Time To Give Up
If you want to have a closer walk with the Lord, then it’s time to surrender to the Word of God and the will of God.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Tuesday, February 11 - Cheers
Can others tell that we're sincere Christians by what they hear? Let’s be encouragers as true disciples of Christ.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Monday, February 10 - Prone To Wander
Don't get tricked into wandering off, but fully follow the Good Shepherd and you will have life to the full!
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Friday, February 7 - Your Second Wind
Don’t despair if you’ve hit a wall. If you just keep moving, the second wind will come.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Thursday, February 6 - Being Patient
Trusting God means believing His timing is best. If we're always impatient, we're not fully trusting Him.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Wednesday, February 5 - Hope In The Process
There is a process for hoping in God that results in a strengthened walk with Christ.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Tuesday, February 4 - Highs & Lows
Change is the only constant in life. That’s precisely why it’s so critical to stay anchored to the Rock.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Monday, February 3 - Overcoming Discouragement
When you're discouraged and Jesus is your Savior, remember that God has something better for you down the road.
READ MOREDaily Devotional: Friday, January 31 - The Narrow Path
There's a reason it's called the narrow path — it’s hard. We simply need to keep moving along His path for us.