Fall 2024

Daily Devotional - Tuesday July 4, 2017

“For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.” 1 Peter 2:21

Be Like Jesus

When I was younger, the Gatorade commercial “Be Like Mike” was popular, encouraging kids to be active and of course, drink Gatorade while doing so. Michael Jordan was the celebrity in the commercial drinking the sugary liquid.

On playgrounds across America, kids began to stick out their tongues, felt compelled to wear the latest pair of Jordans in order to fit in (thus begging mom and dad to buy the not-so-cheap shoes), and fought their teammates to claim the jersey with the number 23 on the back.

So many kids wanted – and still want – to be like Mike. But it backfired, because many kids wanted to mirror their game after him, but they failed to develop their skills according to the natural talent and ability they already had. And as great as Jordan was, he did not always make the game winning shot. He did not win every game. He was not a perfect player.

While it is good to look up to other Christians as examples of faith and strength – the ultimate standard is Jesus. As humans, we are susceptible to temptation and sin. Therefore, the leaders we look up to can fail at times because they are imperfect.

But Jesus is perfect. So instead of looking up to well-known preachers, authors, and Christian leaders, let us begin “looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

Let us seek to follow His example of humility when we want to be arrogant, grace and forgiveness when we want revenge, mercy when we want justice, love when we want to hate, peace when we want more, contentment when we are unsatisfied, patience when we want things to happen in our time but not His, and self-control when we desire what is sinful.

Be like Jesus.

Daniel Matthews