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Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Friday, September 28, 2018

“Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that He made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden.” — Deuteronomy 4:23 

Trust in God’s Promises

Relationships between players and coaches are built on trust. When coaches are trying to convince athletes to join their team at any level, one of the biggest challenges they face is getting those potential players to believe in their vision and what they’re saying. If a coach makes a promise to a player, that player then expects his or her coach will follow through on it. In sports and life, trusting people around us is practically a necessity. 

God’s covenant with us is more than a promise He made to His people. It’s an affirmation of His role in our lives. He’s made it clear that He’s never going to abandon us and He’s never going to give up on us. God won’t forget the promises He’s made or change His mind. The covenant is a symbol of God’s dedication to us. 

As Christians, we so often forget everything God has promised. Unlike when we make promises with other humans, we don’t have to worry about whether or not God will follow through. He’s has proven time and time again he won’t let us down.

The one promise we can be completely confident in is the one we seem to need to be reminded of the most. God’s already done the hard part. All we have to do is remember and trust Him.

Joshua Doering

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