Fall 2024

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Tuesday, November 20, 2018

“Be still, and know that I am God.” — Psalm 46:10

The Voice in the Stillness

On Sept. 17, 2006, David Pollack suffered an injury that altered his career and threatened his life. After a C-6 (vertebra) fracture, Pollack was put into a halo brace to stabilize his movements and was suddenly unable to perform even the most basic tasks.

Most of his dependence was on his wife, Lindsey, and, of course, on the Lord. Used to rushing down the football field and now not able to even move on his own to kiss his wife, Pollack experienced a drastic and immediate life-change. He had a lot of quiet time where he couldn’t do much else besides be still and silent. God used this time to speak to him, knowing that his ears were fully open.

God can speak to us when we are still. It is during these times that He is able to grab our attention and fully show Himself to us. Sometimes we get so caught up with life. There’s this errand we need to run, that person we need to see, this commitment we’ve made … and we lose those moments of stillness that God desires us to have so He can talk to us.

God brought Pollack to a point where he could do nothing else but listen. Do you have moments when you allow yourself to be completely still before the Lord? If not, you’re missing out on a lot that He could be trying to tell you. Set aside time to block out the hustle and noise of this world and focus your attention on Him. Listen to what He tells you in the stillness.

— Krystin Wade 

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