Fall 2024

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Wednesday, December 12, 2018

“He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of His birth” — Luke 1:14

“Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.” — Isaiah 40:4 


Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Roger Hornsby once said, “People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.”

Roger knew that winter didn’t offer everything he yearned for. He anticipated the springtime so much because he knew something greater was ahead for him. The time to come was so significantly greater that it forced him to wait by the window in anticipation for an entire season!

Roger illustrates a similar waiting that we feel during this advent season. We take a look at the world around us and agree that there has to be more than this. We wait with eager anticipation for a savior to come. That savior is Jesus Christ. Advent is a time in which we prepare to celebrate the birth and the return of Jesus. 

Even though we cannot practically wait by a window until the return of Christ, take some time to think about the restored Heaven and earth that is promised. Our waiting is an acknowledgement that we were meant to live for Christ and this world is only temporary. Spend some time with our Savior and thank Him for the rest He provides in this world, and the Kingdom that is to come! 

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. 

Ryan Noelte

If you would like to submit a reader devotional, please email all submissions to jason@sportsspectrum.com.

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