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Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional - Tuesday, December 18, 2018

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” — Exodus 14:14

Stand Still

When the Israelites were looking at pending death, either by drowning or Pharoah’s army, the last thing they probably wanted to hear from Moses was to be still. I mean, when we are backed into a corner and we have no way out, what is there to do?

Be still. 

Standing in front of a vast body of water (our problems) can seem daunting. We have been taught in the world that being courageous is to fight back and find a way out. But if you look deeply at God’s Word, to be courageous is to let God fight for you so He can deliver you through His way out. 

Maybe it’s money, health, broken relationships, fear or anxiety — whatever body of water you are facing today, please be encouraged that we not only serve a loving God who will fight for us, but He always finds a way out for us. That’s the promise God has delivered time and time again. 

So today, stand still. We haven’t built up our faith all these years to not apply it. Remember, God has never failed anyone and He certainly isn’t going to start with you. His faithfulness reigns supreme. Hallelujah. 

— Erik Olson, Pass the Rock Ministries founder

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