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Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Monday, June 24, 2019

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” — 1 Peter 3:8

Humble Attitude

Pride creates division in churches, businesses, teams, families, relationships and inside our own souls. When an earthly king reigns, the people are there to serve him. But when Jesus, the King of Glory, came to earth, He showed us who the King is and what Kingdom is all about.

Jesus valued others above Himself (John 13:1-17), He walked in humility, fully trusting the Father, and He loved deeply. Apart from Christ, we have no chance to walk as He walked. When we begin to approach life as if we know best, then we will be divisive and unsympathetic, our hearts will be hard, and humility will only represent a state of weakness.

So how do you know if you have true, authentic humility? When others succeed, does that threaten you? Do you only like to help others when it makes you look good in the eyes of others? We need to get back to the basics of our faith: keep it simple, repent, forgive, engage, love, give grace, and give truth in love.

Brian Hommel, Arizona Diamondbacks chaplain

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