“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.” — Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NASB)
Don’t Run Alone
On a Saturday night following Thanksgiving, the players and coaches of a team circled their chairs and each person expressed their thankfulness for something. Men were grateful for their families, their opportunities in the NFL and their spiritual blessings.
One rookie shared that his disappointment in not being drafted had turned to thankfulness this season — that his disappointment was overshadowed by now playing with a group of men who followed Jesus with a zeal he had never known.
Some of his teammates were runners. They changed the rookie’s pace and intensified his relationship with Jesus.
Independence looks pretty inviting at times — freedom, no strings attached, captain of my soul. But an independent spirit really limits how far we will go and how soon we will get there.
Many Christian athletes live on the fringes of the more vocal group of believers on the team. Whether it is because of risk, personalities or beliefs, they find it easier to remain outside the circle. It is also costly.
God created every one of us with weaknesses; it puts us in a position that we need each other. There are times when we will have to stand alone, but as a whole, no one lives the Christian life very well alone. In the company of fellow runners, we find strength, encouragement, perspective, courage and momentum.
Ask God for some pace-setters in your life, at your church, in your school or on your team. You will run better, and further, together.
— Tom Petersburg, Catapult Ministries
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