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Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Wednesday, April 8

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” — 1 John 4:7

Self-Giving Love

If you read the gospels and the letters that make up the New Testament, you will see one great truth that permeates the thoughts and teaching of the apostles. That truth is this: Self-giving love is a distinguishing characteristic of a heart that has truly been transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we find it really difficult to serve and truly love others, then we must question whether or not we truly know the God of the Bible and understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The self-giving love of God that was demonstrated through the cross of Christ is the greatest possible expression of love this world has ever known. The Creator and King over all creation came into His own creation and suffered at the hands of His own rebellious creatures in order to rescue them and redeem them. There is no greater love known to man than this, and this is the only kind of love that possesses the power to melt the heart of every believer. 

Those who have truly been transformed by the self-giving love of God begin to have their hearts and minds aligned with the heart of God. Therefore, a failure to serve and love others reveals a failure to know or perhaps remember our God’s incredible love for us.

May the God of love who dwells within us fill our hearts with His self-giving love, and may it compel us to better serve and love others. 

— Terry Evans, Atlanta Braves chaplain

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