Fall 2024

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Monday, April 13

“For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you.” — 1 Thessalonians 2:3

Self-Sacrificing Love

True love for God will lead a person into proclaiming the Gospel of Christ no matter what it may cost that person. True love for others will lead a man to do what is most redemptive for the other person regardless of what it may cost him. This is something we see clearly in the character of the first followers of Jesus. They were so concerned with proclaiming the Gospel and cared so much about the salvation of others that they were willing to suffer rejection, imprisonment and persecution for it.

Can we claim to truly love someone if we are unwilling to pay the cost of caring for their soul? Those who have been truly captivated by the Gospel of Christ, and those who care for the eternal souls of others, will consider risking everything for the good of others and the glory of God, without expecting anything for themselves in return.

Why are we fearfully remaining silent about the incredible good news of Jesus Christ? What do we really have to lose versus what someone else truly has to gain? No matter what we may have to suffer or no matter how shamefully we might be treated, may we be people who declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness, in the hope that it may take root in power and with full conviction. May we find ourselves sacrificing for the salvation of others, regardless of what we might fear it will cost us.

— Terry Evans, Atlanta Braves chaplain

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