Spring 2025

Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Friday, October 9

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” — John 16:33

Take Heart

God works on things from the inside out.

In June, shortly after the death of George Floyd, NFL players took action and created a video that led to the commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, announcing that the league would be allowing the athletes to peacefully protest, including kneeling during the National Anthem.

Fast forward to July, the NFL announced the launch of a new Snapchat show, “Real Talk.” The series showcases NFL social justice initiatives, amplifying NFL player voices and highlighting Black culture’s ties to the sport and league.

The NFL players took heart and stayed persistent in speaking out, and called on each other for backup. God wants us to call on our Christian friends for help and prayers when we are facing hardships.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “take heart” means to feel encouraged or to have hope. After NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick received unfair treatment after silently protesting racism in America, many lost hope in the NFL’s leadership. However, the league seems to be turning a page with its latest actions. In the debut of “Real Talk,” host Kimmi Chex stated, “The NFL has the opportunity to do more and must do more.” This show is a chance to make steps in the right direction.

Before the Lord can do something for us, He has to do something in us. Change your perspective and don’t give up even if your situation seems impossible. Invite Him into the spaces that feel dead or barren, space you haven’t given Him access to yet. It’s time to pull over at a rest stop and let Jesus take the wheel — for He has overcome the world.

— Tamara Brown 

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