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Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Thursday, October 15

“You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” — Psalm 16:11

The Path Of Life

A quick glance at our social media and news feeds will reveal a plethora of ways marketing companies are competing for our attention, money and loyalty. Brands pay thousands of dollars to marketing firms to convince us that buying their particular products will not only enhance our lives but make us happy. And for the most part, these tactics work.

There are a lot of products that bring us pleasure, but inevitably that pleasure wears off. Products can make us happy, but they cannot bring us joy. Happiness is a feeling; joy is a state of mind.

The pathway to pleasure and joy is only found in the One who created us. God’s desire for us is to experience life abundantly, and God leads us to this abundant life through His will and our obedience. His plans and purposes for our lives are greater than anything this world offers. The pathway to eternal pleasures is not something we can purchase, but it is through what was purchased on our behalf by Jesus on the cross.

Our role in experiencing the fullness of God is choosing to walk the pathway of obedience. Scripture gives us direct lanes in which we are to walk. It’s easy to get distracted by the pleasures this world offers, and many of us fall into those traps, but God’s grace and mercy continually invite us back to the eternal path and journey with Him.

— Reza Zadeh, Denver Broncos chaplain

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