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Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Wednesday, November 11

“Discipline me, Lord, but only in due measure — not in Your anger, or You will reduce me to nothing.” — Jeremiah 10:24

Running Home

Fred, who has recently arrived in the United States from England, is taking part in his first game of little league baseball. Familiar with the game of cricket, he hits the ball and runs to first base, and then starts running back to home plate. “No, no, Fred,” the second baseman shouts. “This way, Fred! This way!”

And then the third baseman yells, “Here, Fred! Here!”

“Run faster, Fred!” calls the catcher.

As Fred touches home plate, everybody cheers. He has made his first home run.

Fred’s “cricket” inclination is so strong that the players have to coach him from base to base every time he hits the ball, otherwise he would never make it around the diamond. While his intentions to reach home plate are good, the game is baseball, not cricket, and Fred still needs to adapt his thinking.

As a new Christian, to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2) may mean relinquishing certain aspects of our former lifestyle. We need the direction of more experienced believers, and of God Himself. He is the Teacher who nudges our conscience when we are about to stray. As Isaiah 30:21 explains, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.'”

While friends may give direction, the Holy Spirit is the ultimate coach in helping us make that final home run.

— Alma Barkman

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