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Sports Spectrum Daily Devotional: Thursday, April 29

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:18

The Monster of More

I was three days from getting to coach my high school tennis team in its first-ever appearance in the state finals.

Not only was my team playing in the state finals for the first time in school history, we were doing it with an undefeated record on the backs of three undefeated singles players — unprecedented in the city of Evansville, Indiana, and probably one of the few times that’s ever been done in the entire state. We were ranked No. 1 in our district all season, and ranked in the top 15 in the state.

It was a banner year, and I was riding high heading into the final weekend of our season. It was the second time in four years that I’d gotten to coach a team to the state finals, and this time with a different school. It was a rare feat in the single class sport of tennis.

I’d gotten to coach this program to several “firsts” and experienced unprecedented success. Yet I felt unfulfilled — all because I was not voted District Coach of the Year that season.

Looking back, it’s a bit embarrassing to know I allowed myself, if even for a short period, to focus more on what didn’t happen than on what did and was about to happen. I was struggling to be content with what I had. I wanted more.

It’s the same cautionary tale we learn from Adam and Eve in Genesis. God had given them everything they needed, yet they fell for Satan’s temptation to eat from the forbidden tree. They wanted more. They struggled to be content with what God gave them and who God said they were.

Whether it’s athletically, academically, socially or anything else, we struggle with wanting more and wanting to be validated by external titles and accomplishments.

True contentment is only found in Jesus. No award, or number in your bank account, or fancy title, or car, or house will ever bring you true contentment. It will always leave you wanting more. When that happens, it can be almost impossible to stop unless you give it all to Jesus.

— Cole Claybourn

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