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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, March 9 - Unconditional Love

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” — John 15:13

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A recent news report told of a small plane crash. The lone survivor was an 11-year-old girl. As the plane plummeted to the ground, the girl’s father enveloped her in his arms, saving her life but losing his — a true example of unconditional love.

Scripture tells us there is no greater love than that of one who is willing to lay down his life for another. Jesus modeled this love when He willingly gave His life on the cross so our sins would be forgiven and we might know God.

Yet, dying for another is not the only way to express unconditional love. Any time we sacrificially give of ourselves, not expecting anything in return, we are demonstrating God’s unconditional love. This type of selfless, limitless, unreserved love can be challenging to give, especially to those who rub us the wrong way. God instructs us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Easier said than done. But our ability to love flows from the fact that God first loved us. As we recognize God’s absolute, unearned love for us, we are better able to love others in a similar way.

Who is someone on your team, in your family or in your circle of friends that is challenging to love? Think of ways to show them unconditional love and ask God to give you the ability to love them, expecting nothing in return.

— Karen Zando, NWSL’s Orlando Pride chaplain

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