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Daily Devotional: Friday, April 29 - Our God Is A Jealous God

“So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” — Matthew 10:31

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If you have at any point in your life said you were 100% committed to God, do not forget for one moment that God will not honor that promise.

In our lives we find ourselves in situations where we are deeply devoted to things of this world — caring for our parents, our marriage vows, taking care of our children. And they include other things such as taking care of our home (paying the mortgage, cleaning, etc.), taking care of our vehicles (oil changes, car washes, etc.) and taking care of our bodies (proper nutrition, washing and moisturizing our skin, health screenings).

But when taking care of these things supersedes our love and commitment to God, He notices. If our home and the things we do to preserve that earthly shrine become idols, then you can bet God will test your loyalty. Theoretically, you may then have damage to your house (water, fire, HVAC) and have difficulty in finding a solution. You may have an accident in your car, or something happens financially and you are not able to make your car payments anymore.

My point is: God loves you so much, He wants all your attention on Him in the end. And make no mistake: He cares for the things in our lives that we care about. “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31).

God knows the things of this life are temporary, and the eternal things are what’s ultimately important. He knows what is materially important to us, and while He has never promised prosperity as a staple of the Christian faith, He has promised always to be with you. With devotion freely given to Him, we can truly experience the width, depth and breadth of the love of God.

— Mary Nuckols

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