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Daily Devotional: Friday, June 24 - Spending Time With Jesus

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” — Acts 4:13

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I was recently listening to a podcast on Sports Spectrum and the guest shared a truth that really resonated with me. The basic idea was, “Those in ministry need to be careful of just doing things for Him because it’s our job. We need to take the time to personally connect with God and tune in to Him personally.” Wow oh wow! Let that sink in, especially for you who are involved in ministry.

There is no substitute in our Christian faith for actually spending time with Christ — actually taking the time to personally connect with God. Is our devotion time, our prayer time, shallow? Do we just put it on our “to-do” list as another item to cross off at the end of the day? I know there was a season in my life in which that was exactly what I did.

However, after I realized that my relationship with Christ needed to get more intimate and deeper, I had to make a change in my prayer life and quiet time. God was impressing on my heart my need to make some personal changes and sacrifices to spend more quality time with Him. What a difference it was to actually spend time — quality time — with Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

Spending time with Jesus changes you. Peter and John are our examples as we read in the Bible verse Acts 4:13. They had courage and the people noticed. They shared the Good News of what Jesus did and who Jesus is. They were just ordinary men who spent time with Christ, and it showed. Spending time with Christ will change you too. Your actions change. Your thoughts change. Your priorities change. Why? Because ultimately by becoming closer to Him, the more He will change you.

Do people notice that change in our lives? Do we talk differently? Do we act differently? Do we have the courage to do the right thing and take a stand for Christ? Do we share our faith? What do we post or tweet? Do we use our words to build up and encourage or do we use them to cut and destroy?

It’s important to really take the time to self-evaluate and ask this important question: “Am I spending true quality time with Christ?” I trust that you are. If you are not, start today! Start right now. There is nothing that God would desire more from you right now than to personally connect with Him. He gives us all that incredible opportunity to know Him. Take the time to know God, to really connect with Him. Trust me, you will be so glad you did.

Prayer: “God, I pray that You would give me the self-discipline to pray and read Your Word. My heart’s desire is to know You more intimately and ultimately give You honor and glory. May I seek You daily and remove those distractions in my life that cause me not to grow.”

— Jim Good

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