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Daily Devotional: Thursday, July 21 - Don't Let Yourself Go Thirsty

“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” — Psalm 63:1

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I had turned around a couple times now. Panic was setting in. I had stopped sweating and had been on the trails for more than 90 minutes.

I needed water, and I needed to figure out the way back to my car.

The plan that morning was for my fiancé and I to do our long run at my old stomping grounds from high school. It had been quite a few years since I had been running there, but it was the only destination run we did, so I should have known the trails. I was going 10 miles and my fiancé 14. Even though I was running a slower pace, I would still make it back to the car first.

That day, my fiancé made it back first and hadn’t passed me on his way back. He waited a minute, worried, and then started walking back on the trail. A park ranger stopped him and my fiancé hitched a ride. Thankfully, I had already found my way back to the trail by then.

I couldn’t tell you even now how I got lost, or where I went wrong, but I was so thankful to see my fiancé in the passenger seat of a truck. I burst into tears with relief when I saw them coming toward me. And they had two ice-cold waters. I had ended up running 14 miles, so I guzzled the water.

Had I not been lost, without water and scared, I would not have been so deeply longing to be found. I would not have been parched, and would not have been earnestly seeking rescue. How often do we wait until we are parched and lost to have our whole beings long for God? How often are we like David (the author of Psalm 63) and wait for tragedy to strike before seek God with our whole beings?

“’But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’” — John 4:14

We have access to this living water through the blood of Christ, and we have no reason to go so long without it and become parched. Let’s seek God with our whole being in our daily lives, so we never have to be in a dry and parched land with no water.

Read your Bible. Talk with Him. Worship. Fellowship with other believers. Serve. Don’t let yourself go thirsty again.

— Ondi Mejia

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