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Daily Devotional: Friday, August 12 - A Cup Of Cold Water

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” — Matthew 10:42

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The sporting world is filled with stories of athletes showing generosity in a variety of unfortunate situations due to illness, disease, financial hardship and natural disasters. They range from the establishment of foundations for needed causes, financial assistance, personal visits and even autographs, which may not seem like much but means the world to the recipient. Sport fans of all ages appreciate the effort of those on the highest stage of their profession to give to those in need. Their generosity serves as an example for others to follow, no matter their means of support.

In Matthew 11, Jesus instructs the 12 apostles before He sends them out to preach the Kingdom of God. He concludes those instructions by saying, “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward” (Matthew 10:42).

What point is Jesus making? The cost of following Him is extremely high. There will be persecution for those who preach the Gospel and for those who receive it. Supporting those who are in service to the Lord and showing hospitality to them will be rewarded. Not that we should be looking for a reward, but God is faithful in recognizing the blessing of even a cup of cold water given in His name. We live in a time when persecution of believers in Jesus is high, and most of those suffering for the cause of Christ are outside the comfort zone of America. But for how long?

As Christians, we need a balanced charitable donation list. Our list should contain all whom God especially cares about — the poor, the hungry, the sick, the widow, the orphan, the lost, the persecuted and those who preach the Good News of the Gospel. Our economic status should have no bearing on our ability to give. We can all give a cup of cold water.

— Loring Schultz

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