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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, September 7 - Eternal Worth

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” — Isaiah 43:2

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The laws of economics tell us that you can determine the worth of an object based on what someone is willing to pay for it. The more valuable, the higher the asking price.

This same principle is transferable from the price someone is willing to pay for sneakers, electronics and cars, to the price that was paid for our souls. The Father loved us so much that He bankrupted Heaven on our behalf. He thought you were so incredibly valuable that He was willing to pay the ultimate price for you. However, the payment he offered was not money, but the Messiah.

The prophet Isaiah was compelled to tell all of Israel (God’s people) their true eternal worth. He affirmed how precious God’s people are to Him and that long before Jesus came into the world, the Father had put a plan in motion to pay the ransom for our sins.

The truth is that sometimes you and I get caught up in the things we engage in and allow our perspective to be muddied by the stain of sins. But in God’s eyes, we are so valuable that the ultimate price was paid for us. God in His great redemption plan named and claimed us as His own.

There was a ransom no human could dare pay for us to be set free from the bondage of darkness. And out of His great love for us, the price was freely paid.

— Reza Zadeh, Denver Broncos chaplain

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