Spring 2025

Daily Devotional: Tuesday, October 25 - Complete Your Work

“I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.” — John 17:4

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Chapters 13-17 in John’s gospel record the words and actions of Jesus as He gathered with His 12 apostles for the Passover meal the night before His crucifixion. Events in this section of the Bible include Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, Judas leaving the group to betray Jesus, the institution of the Lord’s Supper and extensive teaching about the Holy Spirit. These five chapters conclude with Jesus praying.

Jesus’ prayer is recorded over the 26 verses of John 17. It’s important to note that the word “world” is found 18 times in this chapter. A major theme of this prayer is how we, like Jesus, can make a difference in the world.

You can make a difference for Christ in your world, your team, your sport, your job, your family, your church, etc., by completing the work God has given you to do. In other words, don’t be a quitter! The most undesired label an athlete can receive is “quitter.” As Christians, we should strive to avoid that label as we seek to daily follow Jesus. Don’t quit!

Jesus was passionate about completing all the work God gave Him to do. He spoke about this the night before going to the cross. He gave assurance that He wouldn’t quit on His work for our salvation. His example is clear: Don’t quit in competition, in relationships or in living for Christ.

— Jeff Totten, Detroit Tigers chaplain

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