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Daily Devotional: Tuesday, May 16 - Waiting Well

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” — Psalm 130:5

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Sociologists have determined that humans spend approximately six full months of their lives waiting in line. That’s 267,840 hours standing in line at the grocery store, sporting event, doctor’s office or McDonald’s. That’s a lot of waiting. When we look at our waiting this way, we want to be sure that what we are waiting for is worth it.

It’s one thing to wait for a Big Mac and another to wait to get into the arena for a Game 7 in the NHL playoffs. Even if we are impatient, we are more willing to wait for something we look forward to, and even the attitude of people waiting is different depending on what they are waiting for. Take, for example, people waiting in line at the DMV and people waiting in line for Space Mountain at Disneyland. When you know that what you are waiting for is worth it, you are more able to wait with joy.

This is what the psalmist is getting at in Psalm 130. Where we put our hope and our security will have a lot to do with how we wait. What is often missed in all of this is found in the last few words of verse 5: “… in His Word I put my hope.” We get to choose where we place our hope, and when we place it in something worthwhile, like His Word, we are able to wait expectantly and with joy.

— Reza Zadeh, Denver Broncos chaplain

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