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Daily Devotional: Thursday, November 2 - The Ultimate Lineman

“I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.” — Isaiah 45:2 (NASB)

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One truism in the game of football is “a running back is only as good as the offensive line.” The offensive linemen clear the way for the running back — creating an opening for him to go through — and the rest is up to him to maneuver his way around the defense for a gain or hopefully a touchdown. Many offensive linemen receive gifts at the end of the season from running backs who understand their success was due to the help of those linemen. The offensive line makes it possible for the running back to complete his assignment. It is truly a team sport.

There are many jobs within a football team, whether on the field or behind the scenes. From the individual player positions, to the coaching, training, medical, support personnel and administrative staffs, each individual job is an assigned position that contributes to the team’s success or failure.

Christianity is also a team sport of sorts. The Lord God assigns each of us a specific job for His glory, and He makes the way for us to be successful. Cyrus, king of Persia, was used by God for His divine purposes (although the king was not a believer in God). God assured Cyrus his success would be due to God’s calling him and God going before him to clear the way (Isaiah 44:28-45:3).

When God gives out assignments for His Kingdom, He does not fail in providing an opening to perform His work. The Lord has given each one of us in the backfield a running assignment. Let us run with assurance behind our ultimate Offensive Lineman, who will push through and open up the defensive lines of self-doubt, lack of courage, and the schemes of the evil one in order to advance the Kingdom of God.

— Loring Schultz

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