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Daily Devotional: Tuesday, February 20 - True Strength

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.” — Psalm 28:7

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When we think of the word “strength,” our minds go right to someone who has real physical or mental ability. But what does true strength from the Lord really look like? What made King David strong? It certainly wasn’t his size or ability. He learned what it means to place true, genuine trust in the Lord. This is where his strength came from.

The bigger question is how do we, in a practical way, trust the Lord? Just saying we trust the Lord isn’t going to put us in a position where that magically unfolds in our lives, so it must be something deeper. What should manifest from trust is submission.

On the surface, submission scares most people because we want to be in control, and to submit is a sign of weakness. However, in God’s economy, to submit to His ways and abide in Him is where true trust and strength lies.

Why are we scared to submit to the Lord? We like to be in control, we want to call the shots, and we want to build our own kingdom! This mindset makes it very difficult to trust God unless He is going our way — which He won’t, FYI. Trust takes time, effort and vulnerability.

What does your life reflect? A heart of trust and submission? Or a heart of stubborn and self-centered pride? What can you do today to submit your way to trust in God’s perfect plan?

— Brian Hommel, Arizona Diamondbacks chaplain

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