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Daily Devotional: Wednesday, December 18 - Decisions, Decisions

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” — Psalm 139:16

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I’ve mentored a few NBA and G League players over the years. Many of them have career decisions to make come August each year. For the younger players, they’ve probably just finished playing in the NBA Summer League. After that, their agents will wait by the phone to see if they’ll get a contract to play in the NBA or G League. For some of the veteran players who are too established to play in the Summer League, their agents will entertain offers from NBA and G League teams, but also listen to offers to play overseas, like in Europe, South America, Oceania or Asia.

One player I’ve been mentoring is weighing options between playing in the G League or playing overseas. He’s asked for prayers, but he also has a calm reassurance because he knows God has a plan for him, just like Psalm 139:16 lays out: “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Are you there today? Do you have decisions to make? Are you being recruited and need to make a decision about a school? Do you have a job offer on the table? Do you have to make a decision about a relationship?

If you do have decisions to make, pray and have people pray for you. But also find calm reassurance in the fact that a God who loves you has a plan for your life. Trust Him to guide you, and follow His lead.

— Ikki Soma, Iowa Wolves chaplain

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