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OneCoach: Strength In God

“The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth. Our God comes and will not be silent . . .” — Psalm 50:1-2 (ESV)

Of everything I ever had a coach say to me, this is by far the one I have kept closest to my heart as a player, and again as a coach: “Don’t worry when I am talking or yelling to you. You should be more concerned when neither of those two is happening.”

It may seem harsh, but the bottom line is this: If a coach is talking to you or yelling at you, they are doing so because they care and want more from you, even if what they are saying is negative. When they are not doing either, it’s because they don’t care any more or don’t expect any more.

I think God works in a similar way. His love is not conditional. So when He is yelling at you (figuratively speaking), He must be trying to get your attention, even if He is rebuking or “punishing” you. He has a purpose. I don’t think we should ever be fearful or hurt, or feel unloved by God. He is speaking to us no matter the fashion, yelling in anger or whispering in love. I know for certain I would rather have God yelling at me than not saying anything at all.

As you walk through your day, if you hear God, listen and be confident, even if He is “ripping in” to you. He does it because He loves and wants more for you. So listen.

— Ryan Dinunzio

OneCoach, part of the Sports Spectrum Network, is an international community of coaches and spouses who have been uniquely gifted and called by God. Visit for more stories and videos.

– OneCoach: Coaching Anyone
– OneCoach: Investing in the Future
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