Spring 2025

Honoring God Through Fishing

 I get a serious rush of adrenaline when the drag on my reel starts peeling off line from a big fish. Whether it’s a 9-foot sailfish off the coast of Guatemala or a peacock bass in the canals of South Florida, it brings me true happiness. I am blessed with the opportunity to fish quite often and it brings me that great Joy that God has promised. When I take a step back and see the things I’ve been blessed with, I can’t help but look up and give Him the glory.

I started my page (along with my brother Joel) nearly a year ago just for fun, as an outlet to show pictures and inspire others to fish and enjoy the outdoors as much as I do. Little did I know that Saltwater Heart Fishing would become what it is today with so many opportunities that I could never even dream of.

To me, that shows what Jeremiah 29:11 is all about. God knows the plans he has for all of us. I have the Bible verse Colossians 3:23 in the bio that states – “in anything we may do, let us do it as unto the Lord.” Whether that be fishing, hunting, football or our everyday jobs, I’ve learned that to honor God with all we do, we find the true blessings only He can and will offer.

With more opportunities and more networking, also comes more people that you will interact with. My hope is to let my light shine among others I act with. I want them to step back and say, ‘this guy is a different. What is it about him?’ I’m glad to tell them where my true joy comes from, and why I don’t need a sailors mouth to fit in with many boat crews.

Matthew 5:16 says, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Therefore I glorify Him and He gets the credit for any success I may have along this journey.

I’ve had the privilege of hanging out and visiting a few times with the guys of one of my favorite bands, Switchfoot. Tim Foreman of the band told me they are asked frequently why they don’t preach the Gospel at each and every concert they play. The answer was simple. He said that everyone wants you to carry the “Christian” flag as they themselves would. But you need to be you.

Some people reach out and speak out, others are more silent and shine the Light. This hit home for me along my paths, as God will show through me and have an affect on others I’m around in ways I could not even imagine.

Lee Wakefield catching a Mahi-Mahi. (Photo Courtesy: Lee Wakefield)

One of the many benefits of fishing is being up before the sun rises and during the sun setting. I can’t count the number of times I’m left in awe of how amazing God is by the skies of a sunrise or sunset. I’ll think to myself, “Even if I don’t catch a single fish, this view was worth the hour or more drive without a doubt!”

And to think about the workings of the ocean. How the moon affects the water (tides). To think I’m fishing when this moon is so many thousand miles away? And the full or new moon creates the fish to feed in a different way than the other phases. It’s mind blowing knowing the tiny details that my awesome Creator has created. This is incredible to me. This is humbling. This leads me to say, I want to be a servant. I want to serve you Lord and serve others as you have.

One might think God might not have a whole lot to do with fishing, but I like to think that anything we do in our lives should have the Lord written all over it. He gave it all for us, the least we can do it humbly serve Him.

– Lee Wakefield, Saltwater Heart Fishing

You can follow Lee on social media on Instagram at @saltwaterheartfishing, facebook @swhfishing, and on YouTube at Saltwater Heart Fishing