Spring 2025

INCREASE STORY: A Prayer for Fathers - Dan Orlovsky

Father God, thank You for these men You have blessed with the role of impactful love.

God, that is where I want to start this time with You, and where I want to end this time with You — with love. I pray these fathers know they are loved by You no matter what, and that this love bursts through them in that same way to their children.

I pray these fathers are intentional with their love, the way You were intentional with Yours with Jesus for us. I pray in this journey of fatherhood they know they are not alone, just like Jesus wasn’t alone. And that they can and will tap into You and Your strength, to know when to get out of the way and let You be God the Father.

So often we as fathers make being a father about ourselves and our ego — the things we want. And that thought/desire/emotion drives our actions/thoughts/intentions. I pray that fathers make fatherhood about You and their children.

I pray that in the moments of success You get praise and glory. I ask that in those moments, Your name is magnified, not ours. And I pray that in the valley, in the hard times, these moments turn into times where fathers can turn to You, their Heavenly Father, for strength, confidence, belief and wisdom to be the daddy Your Word calls them to be — the daddy their child needs them to be.

Father, teach Your children toughness, but not before love.

Father, teach Your children knowledge, but not before love.

Father, teach Your children work ethic, but not before love.

And may we do the same for our children.

Father, I pray that the foundation of these children, which comes from their fathers, is found in an identity of love from their Heavenly Father.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

— Dan Orlovsky, ESPN football analyst and former NFL quarterback

Created and led by pro athletes, The Increase is a ministry on mission to see all athletes, coaches, fans and people everywhere have an Increase experience with Christ as found in John 3:30. For more stories, videos and resources to help you discover that the best life is found as we die to self and live for Jesus, visit TheIncrease.com.

SS PODCAST: Dan Orlovsky – ESPN Football Analyst, Former NFL QB
— INCREASE STORY: Because of My Mom – Benjamin Watson
— INCREASE VIDEO: Pro Athletes On The Influence Of Mothers
— INCREASE STORY: Stand Firm on Who God Is – Bryant Young