Fall 2024

THE INCREASE: Since That Day – Buck Farmer

Late August 2016 a simple breakfast meeting changed my life.

I’d been attending our team chapels regularly when one week, our chaplain Jeff asked me if I would grab breakfast with him. As we sat down, Jeff handed me a booklet entitled, “Would You Like to Know Jesus Personally?” I took that home to read and inside was a prayer asking Christ into your life. It stated that once you pray this prayer and accept Jesus as your Savior, your life will change. I prayed the prayer that day and the book was right, my life was changed.

Since that day, I’ve been able to experience the joy of Christ every day. I wake up and have peace, without worrying so much about where I’ll be tomorrow. I am able to live in the moment and trust that God is in control. My wife and I have learned to continually say, “If God really wants us somewhere, that’s where we will be.” Probably the biggest thing we’ve gained from knowing Christ is the confidence to trust that He has a plan for everyone. We all face a thousand tribulations in this life, but knowing the Lord has a plan for it all makes it easier to face each one.

After discovering Christ, my purpose in life transformed. As professional athletes, we have a media outlet not a lot of other people have. We have the ability to spread God’s truth to the world through the choices we make and the lives we live, because a lot of people are watching. This realization drastically changed my perception of my career. Whether I’m suddenly sent down, traded or injured, I know there’s a purpose in God’s plan. Maybe that purpose is to take God’s Word to another team or someone within that city. I’m willing to accept whatever He places in front of me.

Continuing to grow in my faith includes fellowship with my teammates, going to Bible studies and pursuing a deeper understanding of God. I’ve also been able to share my faith through fanmail. I’ve had several people ask me to sign their card or an article of clothing, and every time I do, I include a Bible verse. I want to keep His Word traveling throughout the world.

“In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.’” — 1 Peter 5:5

I choose to share this verse with my fans because it emphasizes the importance of being humble before God. This is an important truth I don’t want to forget. We shouldn’t have to boast in what we do. We should live lives that leave people with absolutely no doubt of where our loyalty lies — at the cross with Christ.

Buck Farmer, Detroit Tigers pitcher

The Increase, part of the Sports Spectrum Network, is a community of Christian pro athletes sharing their personal stories of the decrease of self and the increase of Christ (John 3:30). Visit TheIncrease.com for more stories and videos.