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Daily Devotional: Thursday, September 9 - Is This Heaven?

“Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.” — Revelation 21:1

Baseball enthusiasts and moviegoers alike share a common interest in the 1989 motion picture “Field of Dreams.” For baseball fans, especially those who would consider themselves traditionalists, historians and lovers of the game, it brought out everything that is good about baseball. The game has the ability to unite people of all races and generations through a sport played on grass and dirt with a bat, ball and glove. Baseball’s legends and heroes have survived the test of time and will continue to do so.

For the moviegoers and casual baseball fans, “Field of Dreams” brings about an escape from the day-to-day drama in our lives and in the world. It also affirms the yearning in all of us for something much bigger than ourselves, if only in a dream, a field of dreams.

The sentimental attachment to a movie made more than 30 years ago has not faded. That particular field has become a national treasure in America, with tours of the set where the movie was filmed in Dyersville, Iowa. The movie even prompted Major League Baseball to schedule a regular-season game to be played next to the already-historic site on Aug. 12.

As the game week unfolded, there was much enthusiasm about the upcoming event. People from all walks of life were anticipating the game, the nostalgia and asking the question from the famous line in the movie, “Is this Heaven?” The answer, of course, is, “No, it’s Iowa.”

Many people are looking for a Heaven here on earth. They dream of a place, if even for a moment, that will wipe clean their tears and frustrations of life. But as Ray Kinsella (played by actor Kevin Costner) answered truthfully, “No, it’s Iowa.” There was no claim that it was Heaven, but a field of dreams.

The good news for us is that there is a Heaven. It’s real and not a dream. God, the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, has made such a place, and it’s reserved for Him and for those who trust in His Son, Jesus Christ, for salvation.

Yes, it’s possible to enjoy a little Heaven on earth through the blessings God has bestowed on us, things like movies or baseball. But the ultimate enjoyment will be in eternity with our Lord Jesus. Have you made that commitment to trust in Him? You will not need to ask, “Is this Heaven?” You will know.

— Loring Schultz

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